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Woven Progressions - Advanced Weaves (Course Three)
Basket Kit Coupon
Introduction to Woven Progressions (2:39)
Rattan Basket Weaving Reference Guide
Braided Market Basket Course
Welcome to Braided Market Basket Course (0:14)
Braided Market Basket Instruction Manual
Putting the finishing touches on your baskets
Materials (0:27)
Tools and Workspace (1:03)
Cut and Mark Stakes (2:27)
Preparing the Handle (1:05)
Laying out the Base (10:04)
Truing the Base (3:29)
Chicken Feet (3:21)
Upsetting the Stakes (1:36)
Weaving the First Row
Weaving the Next 17 Rows (7:29)
Packing the Rows (0:41)
Using Shorter Lengths (1:31)
Weaving the Six Strand Braid (16:08)
Weaving the Final Rows (1:23)
Finishing the Ends of the Braid (1:06)
Making Adjustments (1:26)
Get social with your weaving
Cut and Tuck (2:09)
Setting up the Rim (5:57)
Lashing the Rim (7:29)
Final Thoughts (1:49)
How to use your braided swing handled market basket
Coffee Table Tray
Welcome to Coffee Table Tray Basket Course (2:02)
How to Use This Course (6:00)
Tools and Materials (1:01)
Coffee Table Tray Basket Instruction Manual
Conquer procrastination
Setting up Your Weaving Workspace (1:14)
Laying out the Base (12:25)
Squaring the Base (0:54)
Finishing the Base with Chicken Feet (3:16)
Upsetting the Stakes (3:09)
Weaving the Walls of the Tray (16:46)
Cutting and Tucking the Stakes (2:54)
Gifts for the creative in your life - or maybe for you...
Setting up the Rim (8:40)
Lashing the Rim (11:39)
Drying, Signing and Finishing (4:08)
How to use your coffee table tray basket
Small Melon Basket
Welcome to Small Melon Basket Course (2:03)
Small Melon Basket Instruction Manual
Using Pinterest (and other social media) for your creative journey
Tools and Materials (1:50)
Marking the Hoops (8:23)
Cutting the Ribs (7:12)
Weaving the Gods Eye 1st Side (15:21)
Weaving the Gods Eye 2nd Side- Alternate Method (8:34)
The value of a handmade object
Inserting the Ribs (5:05)
Weaving the Body Part 1 (24:41)
Weaving the Body Part 2 (18:26)
Final Touches (3:15)
How to use your small melon basket
Teach online with
Setting up Your Weaving Workspace
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